10. Choosing the Product (Service or Course):
I will talk specifically about products, but these principles equally apply to you providing a service or course. When deciding on the product/s you want to sell choose a market and identify 5 niche markets that really interest you. Dig down into the niche until it is very specific and that you can describe it in detail. e.g. home décor – scented candle making.
Generally, there is almost always a market for health, wealth and relationships. Markets and their niches of e-commerce are broadly:
Research the latest Trends connected with your niche. Look at reviews and note the common complaints and as well as the common compliments. Research on blogs, Facebook groups, Pinterest and Instagram reddit and YouTube. Check out competitors. Buy their product and determine why you bought it. Look at where it was sold an advertised. Look at indirect competitors. These businesses sell complementary products to yours. These can be very valuable allies in the future who you might collaborate with and market jointly to both your benefit. Make sure your product is of a high quality.
October 2023