32. Marketing This may well be the biggest secret to your business success. Marketing gives you leverage. “If you get 10% better at marketing, this can have an exponential or multiplying effect on your bottom line.” “The marketing plan ended up being the 20% part of the business planning process that produced 80% of the result.” Allan Dib - The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, and Stand Out from the Crowd You can target B2B (Business to Business) or B2C (Business to Consumer) or both. There are many different ways to market your Product:
Helpful marketing features are
There is often a language or lingo associated with your niche. Learn this language as a means to better communicate with your customer. Add information and info sheets to your product and on your website. For example, how to hang wallpaper when selling wallpaper. The key points to use in marketing are: Who is your Target Market. What are their needs and wants and even what are their fears. What message do you want to send to your Market. Work out the problem that people consistently have in relation to what your product can solve. How do you deliver a world class product or service. What are your opportunities, strengths, weaknesses and threats. What media / method will you use to reach your Market. How can you drive the traffic you generate to your website and social media.
Initially you may just want to interact with your potential customers on say social media to create customer awareness. The aim is to convert a lead into a sale. How can you improve on the lifetime value you will provide to your customer. How can you get other people / companies to refer you to new customers. HubSpot can help with many of your marketing needs, such as ads, landing pages, forms & email marketing.
There are many different Sales Funnels available today. They may not all be appropriate for your business or market.
In general, you want to build yourself a funnel that drives traffic a specific way for you to make sales.
You may want to direct your customers directly from your marketing email to a specific landing page. HubSpot can help you to create a landing page here. 34. Social Media
This is a wonderful way to get your message across and build a community of different platforms. Communities on the internet can provide you with customers. The internet provides communities on the following platforms:
Social Media changes quicker than it takes to say “Algorithm”. It is really important to keep a check on what is happening out there in the Social Media world. 35. Networks
Emerging social networks that aim to be more community minded are emerging. Groups chats (for example: gaming, art, a school club) are set up on Apps such as Geneva [https://www.geneva.com/], Discord [https://discord.com/] and Telegram [https://telegram.org/]. 36. Influencers and Micro Influencers
Influencers can help with marketing your product. Micro influencers (10 to 50 k following) are some of the most trusted.
37. Affiliates
Affiliate programmes are networks where a Merchant or Advertiser who wishes to market their product further pays an affiliate Publisher a commission (usually a percentage of the sale) for any sale generated from the publisher’s website or blog. If you are the Merchant/Advertiser you can have your products placed in a publication which can generate direct sales. The affiliate website has software that places a link tracking online transaction. These Publishers publications often help get the message of your product/service out there by:
A publisher will join an affiliate network program to make commissions by recommending products affiliate programs to join in standard categories like web hosting, website builders, VPNs, travel, finance, fashion, beauty, and fitness. Affiliate networks (eg Rakuten (formerly known as LinkShare), AWIN, Sharesale, Skimlinks, Amazon Services LLC Associates Program) connect Publishers and merchant/Advertisers and provide tracking technology to record when a sale has taken place that derived from the Publishers link. f you click on one of these links, the URL contains an ID code that identifies product links from the Publisher’s website. Joining a network is usually free to the Publisher and the Advertisers pay a set-up fee, monthly and/or percentage fee of their sales depending on the affiliate scheme. |
October 2023